About us
St Stephen's doors are open to all. We embrace families of all walks of life and welcome to you join us in sharing our love and raising our voices with joy and thanksgiving to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Please come as you are! Your Sunday best or the best you can do on Sunday...we will be happy to see you! There are three entrances to our church. The two closest to 3rd Ave will bring to to our narthex where you will be welcomed by our greeters. Help yourself to a cup of coffee and feel free to bring it into the service.
Our young parishoners are welcome too! After the Children's Message during the service, our youth (3-12) are giving the opportunity to participate in Kid's Worship in our basement. Our teachers will escort them and you are free to pick them up after the service. Our messages are the same but the delivery is slightly different.
Who we are
We are a congregation that love to share in God's love for all! Whether young or young at heart, we have a place for you at St. Stephens Church!